
Wellness Sprint

Feelingstressed and overwhelmed? Its time to reset and recharge with the WellnessSprint mini course, designed to help teens and youth develop mindfulnessbasics that reduce stress and boost emotional intelligence. Learn practicaltechniques to manage stress, stay present, and cultivate emotional agility indaily life. Whether youre dealing with school pressure, relationships, orpersonal challenges, this course provides the tools you need to stay groundedand in control.

Asyou complete the Wellness Sprint, you'll earn micro-credentialsthat showcase your progress in building emotional resilience and mindfulness,skills that are crucial for thriving in both personal and professionalenvironments. This mini course is also a stepping stone toward our full MentalHealth and Wellbeing Pathway, where you can dive deeper into mindfulness,emotional intelligence, and long-term mental health strategies. Start yourwellness journey today and take control of your mental wellbeing!
